Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Just for FUN!

Just for fun because I know this is on all of our minds!  I thought I would dig into some packing up your classroom tips.  Things are definitely going to be crazy at the end of the year and I thought these ideas might be a little helpful as we begin this process. 

I know we are all hoping this go smoothly over the summer but sometimes things don't go as planned and if we pack up well, maybe we will be able to unpack with ease in the fall...MAYBE?

I have moved classrooms, schools and states so I have some pretty heavy experience on this topic.  Here are a few things I always recommend!

1. If you can buy it with wheels, DO it!  I tried to get all my carts with wheels so I can just wheel it to a corner and cover it with a garbage bag!

2. Get some LARGE stacking tubs. Find a fun color so that they can be used as storage later in the year. The clear ones are nice so you can see what is inside.
3. Pack the tubs with centers/zones in mind.  Meaning, I pack each center in a large tub so that when I go to unpack, I can unpack areas all at once. Be sure to pack your desk supplies in their own space.  

4. I used dollar store table clothes to help cover shelves and bulletin boards!  Yep, do that back to school board at the end of the year so it is done! 
So many uses for these guys! 

5. Label ALL your boxes!!!  Try your very best to not combine 2 areas in one box.  (Painters tap comes off easily and you can use a sharpie marker!) 
6. Get a BALLPARK wagon!  My wagon has saved me soooo many times!  IT helps you move and transport things to your car and to other classrooms.  

I love this video from Pocketful of Primary!  So many good tips I never thought of! 

The Printable Princess has some great ideas too! 

The Home, Sell & Give tubs are great!  I love the idea of being able purge and have a system to do so as I pack up. 
Also, the MINE to USE but NOT MINE to KEEP cabinet!  So freaking smart! 

This is also brilliant!  Shower caps over book tubs to keep them from getting dusty!!!!!  So darn smart!  I would also do this over open tubs of manipulatives.  

Hop over to Polka Dots Please to read more about her packing up tips! 

This is a tip that I also recommend.  Anything you can do to set yourself up for a clean space is a must do! 

If you have any great tips...leave them in the comments.  

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