Tuesday, November 24, 2020

My Thankful Post

When thinking about what I wanted to write about for our weekly blog one thing kept popping into my head.  Just how thankful I am that we have been back in school!  That we were given the gift to be back with our students and fellow teachers!!!!! 
Virtual learning was hard in its own way but I really do
think the isolation was harder on us than we realize
So here are my Thank-Fuls! 
  • I am thankful that I get to get out of bed and drive to work everyday.  (I get to be with my PVES PEEPS!)
  • I am thankful for innovative teachers that are NOT scared to try new things!!!!! (That's you PEOPLE!  U are trying crazy things and making them work.) 
  • I am thankful for our PEP Squad and how they have been spoiling our staff!!!
  • I am thankful for the energy that is buzzing through our halls.  
  • I am thankful that we have an admin team that knows their teachers on a professional level & a personal level. 
  • I am thankful for our custodians who have been kicking BUTT at sanitizing our classrooms and busses. 
  • I am thankful for our TAs that support our teachers 1000000000%!  
  • I am thankful for our office staff!  They work together to answer ALL our questions, help us unjam the copy machines and find all the lost lunches! 
  • I am thankful for my Instructional Coach Team!  They always have my back and support me through all my crazy ideas! 
  • I am thankful for a district that chose Plan B.  They are helping us to stay safe and still see our students Face to Face!
  • I am thankful for all the smiling eyes I see above masks!
  • I am thankful for the teamwork that we have engaged in.
  • I am thankful for the bravery of my BTNTs in charging forward into this profession with so many unknowns.  
  • I am thankful for everything I am leaving out...I know it is a TON!  We have sooo much GOOD going on at Park View!
Things might be up in the air right now but what I know is, it WILL work out.  
We WILL find a way!  

Please enjoy your break & rest!  The mountain will be there for us to climb when we return! 

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