Thursday, September 26, 2019

Canvas in an Elementary Classroom

Are you missing Google Classroom!  Book ME!  I can show you how to use Canvas Announcements and your HOME PAGE just like Google Classroom.  
(If you like the template I used for my home page, you can grab it in the Commons on Canvas under Park View Template!)
You can also connect Canvas with Google!  
Watch this video all about how you can embed and link Google documents right into Canvas!  SO EASY!

I just found out that you can integrate FlipGrid with Canvas so that your students can use the site as an accountability piece! Below you will find a pdf document and video that will walk you through the steps! 

More about Canvas in the Elementary classroom!
Check Canvas out in a 
First Grade classroom! 
Read more about how this first-grade teacher is running her workshop models through Canvas! 
There is so much that Canvas can do!  Every time I head into Canvas,  I find more ways that it can be used in an elementary setting.  

Let's share some ways we are using Canvas at PVES!

 photo signature.png

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