Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Summer Teacher

U MADE IT!  Summer is here and you all are in need of some MUCH needed summer care! 

Just in case you weren't sure...26 Signs You're a Teacher on Summer Break!  We Are Teachers has some funnies for you to check out as you begin to unwind. 
This Ted Talk is focused around the self-care for teachers.  It is so important for all teachers to take extra care of their body and mind all year long.  The summer is a wonderful time to get a good start on a self-care routine for yourself. 

Speaking of yoga...Check out this Yoga for Teachers with Adriene!

If you are looking to do some retail therapy this sure to check out this post from We Are Teachers!  Tons of discounts for teachers!

Speaking of yoga...Check out this Yoga for Teachers with Adriene!

If you are looking for some professional reading, Education Degree has compiled a fantastic list for teachers!  Be sure to check it out below.  I LOVE The Book Whisperer!

I know our summer is short this year, that is why it is essential to take some time to unwind.  You all deserve it!  Thank you for everything you do for our PVES students & families!

Have a fun and safe summer!

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