Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Q1 Week1: Morning Meeting

Welcome Back PVES!  I am so excited about this school year!!!! I can already see amazing things happening in your classrooms and there is such a sense of peace in the halls.  I can only guess that Morning Meeting is a part of this.  I have had the opportunity visit your classrooms in the morning and I love hearing the same language spoken from room to room and grade to grade.  I promise this will make a HUGE difference in our student's ability to understand themselves, each other, and you.  Protect this special time for your classroom community!

Below are some ideas to help support you and your students as you grow morning meeting in your classroom.  

Are you LOOKING for books or ideas for getting your morning meeting up and running?  Check out Proud to be Primary and all the awesome ideas for getting a morning meeting planned.  I especially love the part about BEEFS!
Here are some FREE Morning Meeting greetings for your classroom!  Mixing it up creates excitement and engagement for the students. 

Also, I love these simple MM planning documents.  This would be very helpful with launching MM. 
Watch some Morning Meeting in action with Edutopia!

I am going to end with THIS!!!!  Paperless Morning Meeting!!!!  You are going to LOVE this editable file!  Thank you Erin Waters!!!!! 
Be sure to DOJO some morning meeting activities out to our parents.  They LOVE seeing what we are up to at PVES:)

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